Welcome to XRares where you can explore thousands of unique and exciting amateur porn and sexual videos. Here, we've pulled together the best of the web's content and set it aside exclusively for our users. Whether you're looking for a mind-blowing solo performance or a hot couple getting it on, XRares has something for everybody. We have collected content from all over the web so you don't have to hunt it down. And since XRares is searchable by user rating, latest uploads, popularity, and more—you can easily find exactly what you're looking for. Every video featured on XRares has been handpicked by our team of experts, who vet out every submission to make sure it is free of any offensive content. That means that no matter what kind of video you choose to watch here—from hetero hardcore action to golden shower play—it will be appropriate and safe-for-work if necessary. By creating an account with us, users are also able to create their own personal library so they can save their favorite videos in one place. XRares also takes pride in offering a generous selection of transgender porn submitted by renowned independent producers such as Hazel Venderbergen and Jessica Moody; a recent new addition is singer-songwriter Lady Gaga's "Guts". Not only do we give our members access to exclusive amateur videos but we don't stop there: visitors can also discover various genres such as BDSM, solo work, bedroom play, public sex fantasies or even explicit fetishes like tickling and orgasm control! Whether you choose to sign up or simply enjoy browsing for free, let us be your ultimate guide into this world of raw human desire and experience some visual pleasure today!