is the premier online artist community and entertainment platform, and a thriving hub of creativity. A unique blend of artists, game developers, musicians, voice actors and writers come together to create and share some of the most original content on the web. With a mission to provide creators with an innovative place to showcase their work and an audience for their art, Newgrounds has rapidly amassed an impressive portfolio of work from renowned digital sketch artists, Indie gamers, professional filmmakers, music producers and more. Since its launch in 2000 by Tom Fulp and Jed Duffield, Newgrounds has become a leader in online media entertainment; now with over 25 million visitors per month. From new user-generated cartoons & animations to critically-acclaimed video games like "The Majesty of Colors" and "Canabalt HD", there's something for everyone here. Music fans flock to the Audio Portal where composers stretch their creative muscles while gaming enthusiasts explore the Arcade; testing skills while completing fan-made levels & puzzles. In addition to its massive library of content crafted by passionate innovators, NewGrounds also features art galleries as well as discussion forums where users can interact with developers & other artists to trade tips & critiques. Outside of merely offering space for inspired artists however, NewGrounds also does its part to support fledgling talent through initiatives such as The Art Scholarships Program which awards high school students for excellence in artwork; allowing those who might not otherwise be able to afford higher education a chance to attend college tuition free via host institutions such as Academy Of Art University or The Florida Institute Of Technology. With no limitations on what can be created or type of content posted on this vibrant community site we're sure that unique "something special" awaits every visitor; it truly lives up to its motto -- “Create • Share • Grow".