CoedCherry is the web's oldest adult entertainment site, and predates some of the world's most popular websites. Since its launch in 2007, CoedCherry has been providing its users with a vast library of over 80 thousand porn videos from amateur to professional, featuring all sorts of genres. Unlike other websites, CoedCherry doesn't monetize the videos and doesn't feature any ads. What makes CoedCherry so special and unique is its longevity – it was first online when YouTube was still just an idea; before Facebook gained traction in social media; and before Pornhub made its debut. As a consequence, the site isn't only loaded with excellent older videos but also vintage ones that many corporate adult sites have discontinued due to copyright issues. Apart from its age-exclusive content, what makes CoedCherry stand out is also the way it manages this valuable material – there's no piracy allowed as every clip uploaded to its servers is verified for authenticity prior to being showcased. All subscribers can be sure that whatever video they watch is going to be HD quality and sponsored by professionals. If you're looking for adulthood entertainment without restrictions or other types of limitations, then look no further than CoedCherry. In spite of being older than even YouTube it still provides top-notch video experiences - from exclusive titles to classic scenes featuring iconic porn stars that have become part of our cultural heritage. Find all your favorite adult films at CoedCherry!