When it comes to watching porn, many viewers demand a more authentic experience; an experience that can only come from amateur porn sites. That is why this list only contains premium amateur porn sites, carefully curated so you never have to worry about letdown or disappointment. These niche premium adult entertainment sites have been meticulously examined and selected for their quality of content, variety and authenticity. All the content on these websites comes from real couples or solo performers who shoot the material themselves in comfortable environments, adding to the overall viewer experience. You will not find any professional actors here; just regular everyday people having real sex just like you see in your own home or bedroom! These websites feature both softcore and hardcore scenes catering to a diverse range of tastes - anything from long slow teasing sessions through edging and multiple orgasms, right up to rough hard core sex with young amateur teen cuties. With the huge selection of genres available you are certain to find something that suits your fancy! High quality videos shot in 4K Ultra HD resolution with Dolby Surround Sound mean that these websites deliver a truly immersive experience as if you were actually there in the house with them as they do their deeds. A massive library of videos and images adds even more value for money - some offering over 60000 files packed with hours of shamelessly naughty fun! For those craving even more realism, virtual reality is increasingly featured - enabling viewers to feel part of the action. With such technically advanced software behind the scene it really does make for highly engaging viewing and quite unparalleled realism compared with other streaming options. True fans of fresh amateur porn recognise that there is no substitute for raw uncut reality and appreciate paying for access on reliable premium porn sites where they know they will be spoiled by exactly what they want; hot young amateurs performing in all kinds of naughty stuff! If you love naturalistic erotic play this compiling list showcases them best!